På denne siden får du tilgang til relevante lenker knyttet til scenekunstmedisin.

Amerikansk nettside med informasjon om det meste

The Performing Arts Medicine Association (PAMA) is an organization comprised of dedicated medical professionals, artists educators, and administrators with the common goal of improving the health care of the performing artist. The Performing Arts Medicine Association was founded in 1989. Members join from around the world.

Members of PAMA are professionals in fields that include research, education, and clinical practice. Many have written books and articles to inform and educate other professionals and performers.

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Stor samling med lenker til Scenekunstmedisin verden over, svært oversiktlig organisert etter tematikk.

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Rikholdig side med mye god informasjon

The British Association for Performing Arts Medicine (BAPAM) is a healthcare charity giving medical advice to people working and studying in the performing arts. BAPAM help you overcome (and preferably avoid) work-related health problems, and we are dedicated to sharing knowledge about healthy practice.

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Whether you are a health professional, a performing arts or healthcare educator, a performer who cares about your health, or a performing arts technical/support crew member, we hope you enjoy browsing our website where you can:

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Samling av lenker til flere internasjonale institusjoner og organisasjoner.

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Flott og oversiktlig svensk nettside med veldig mye god informasjon og lenker til andre ressurser på nettet.

Vi har tjugo års erfarenhet av arbete med musiker och artister som både är under utbildning och i yrkesverksamhet. Den breda specialkompetens som finns på Artist- & Musikerhälsan är svår att hitta generellt i sjukvården och företagshälsovården idag. Vi finns också för dig, som icke-artist, om du finner vår inriktning intressant.

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OIRA – online interactive risk assessment

The OiRA sectoral tools provided here are to enable micro and small enterprises to carry out risk assessments. The tools are free to download and can be easily accessed by clicking on the relevant link. Each link is accompanied by a short description of the tool and the name of the OiRA partner who developed it. Tools can be searched by country, language and sector.

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The International Association for Dance Medicine & Science was formed in 1990 by an international group of dance medicine practitioners, dance educators, dance scientists, and dancers. Membership is drawn equally from the medical and dance professions, and has grown from an initial 48 members in 1991 to over 900 members at present world-wide, representing 35 countries.

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Nettside som fokuserer på embouchyre for blåsere

Are you a brass player who has encountered a painful, debilitating embouchure problem? Perhaps you have been experiencing daily lip swelling and/or lip pain and lost your endurance and high range too? Maybe your lips feel weak, rubbery, tingly, or numb when you play? Do you have strange sensations in your lips and face which were never there before that now make playing a struggle? Has this problem been plaguing you for weeks, months, years?

If you have just experienced a sudden, acute onset of an embouchure problem, we have information for you and a few tips on how to deal with your embouchure emergency.

If your debilitating, painful embouchure dilemma has been going on for more than two weeks, you will find information about the cause of and solution of overuse injuries and chronic embouchure problems.

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Fokal dystoni er en tilstand som har en tendens til å ramme musikere og andre utøvere, der repetitive bevegelser synes å være en av årsaksforklaringene og som medfører tap av muskulær kontroll og tilhørende ufrivillige rykninger. Anna Datari, som står bak siden, er profesjonell fløytist, men arbeider samtidig på en doktorgrad om fokal dystoni. En side med mye god informasjon.