Creo is Norway’s largest union for arts and culture, and a member of the Norwegian Confederation of Trade Unions (LO).

Creo work to ensure our members better wages and working conditions, whether they are employees, free-lancers or self-employed.
We have almost 11 000 members belonging to the following professional groups:

  • Performing musicians, artists, performers, music producers and educators who are self-employed and run their own businesses.
  • Head teachers, music teachers, music therapists, ballet teachers, teachers in the field of drama and theatre, and employees in the field of visual arts in municipal music schools and cultural institutions, primary and lower secondary schools, upper secondary schools, folk high schools, higher education and resource centres.
  • Musicians, singers and dancers who are employed at theatres, in orchestras, at the Norwegian Opera & Ballet, in municipalities and county authorities or as free-lancers.
  • Church musicians in the Church of Norway.
  • Stage managers, prompters and other staff in theatres, symphony orchestras and the Norwegian Opera & Ballet.
  • Administrative staff holding positions in the field of music and culture in public administration, municipalities, county authorities and music organisations.
  • Sound and lighting technicians in private enterprises.
  • Pupils and students at universities, university collages and private collages, folk high schools and upper secondary schools.
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Creo offers you:

  • Help with conditions of service: employment, pay level placement, local negotiations, dismissal, conflicts at work etc.
  • Updated wage agreements, news from the arts- and culture-related fields, information about membership benefits, courses and conferences, standard contracts, tips and links.
  • Legal assistance: entailing all costs being covered by Creo in the event of workrelated disputes. A prerequisite is that the case is approved by Creo and that you have not already engaged your own lawyer.
  • A number of favorable insurance schemes specifically customized to meet the needs of our members.
  • LO advantage: All members of Creo receive the LOfavør-card (combined membership and advantage card) free of charge. In addition to providing membership details, the card gives access to a wide range of lucrative benefits. Read more at


As a member of Creo you also receive..

  • Advice and support in tax and welfare questions.
  • Help with applications for financial support for recording, tours, projects etc.
  • Help with other types of contracts, recording contracts, publishing contracts, management contracts etc.
  • Debt collection services:  in cases of non-payment of salaries/fees, Creo can assume responsibility for collection of overdue payments, by legal means if necessary.
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Why Creo?

As a trade union Creo bases its activities on the premise that artists and those working with culture have more power when we present a united front than when we stand alone. This applies visa-vis employers and clients as well as vis-a-vis the various authorities. The world of culture and the arts in Norway is diverse and flourishing, yet vulnerable. If the community – the public authorities – does not have a general responsibility for culture, the arena will soon be dominated by purely financial interests. Changes in political trends nationally and locally give grounds to fear that workplaces in the cultural sphere will disappear, and a major deterioration in framework conditions for artists. Creos key task is to work towards strengthening members’ pay and working conditions, job security and development potential.

How much does it cost to become a member?

The membership subscription is 1.70 per cent of the total gross monthly salary up to a maximum of NOK 36,200. Monthly dues deducted amount to a minimum of NOK 246 and a maximum of NOK 621. Part of the subscription fee (at present NOK 7700) can be claimed as a deduction on the tax return. Retired members over the age of 62 are exempt from union dues.

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Collective insurance schemes

Home and home contents insurance is an integral part of Creo membership, and applies to all members except for school pupils and some other individual members. The cost is the same regardless of what part of Norway you live in. There is no maximum insured sum, but there is an upper limit of NOK 300,000 for individual objects/collections. 

Accident insurance and Liability insurance is also an integral part of your Creo membership.
The Accident insurance covers injuries caused during working hours; rehearsals, concerts, meetings, classes, travel and other activities related to your membership in Creo.
The Liability insurance covers property damage and personal injury, and covers legal liability that may arise when the member is not covered by employer-paid liability insurance.


Voluntary insurance schemes

As a member of Creo you get the best and cheapest Musical instrument insurance on the market – this also covers equipment.

You can also get a very favourably priced combined leisure and businesss Travel insurance that covers you 24 hours a day, even when no overnight stay is involved.

As a member of Creo you already have free legal assistance related to your professional practice. LOfavør Lawyer´s insurance ensures unlimited legal aid on a private level.