Creo – the union for arts and culture
Regular member
For active professionals
1.7% of income
- Free legal advice
- Accident insurance
- Liability insurance
- Home contents insurance
- Basic insurance
Student member
Membership for students
NOK 600 per year
- Free legal advice
- Accident insurance
- Liability insurance
- Home contents insurance
Affiliate Member
Primary membership in another LO union
kr 120,- pr month
- Free legal advice
- Accident insurance
- Liability insurance
Who can become a member of Creo?
Anyone earning income from artistic or art pedagogical professions, or activities related to the cultural sector, can join the Creo community. We work to ensure you have good wages and working conditions, whether you are an employee or self-employed.
We offer student membership for NOK 600 per year. This amount can be split into two payments over two semesters. The membership includes LO Favør home contents insurance, accident insurance, and liability insurance.
Affiliate Member
If you are primarily a member of another LO union, you can become an affiliate member of Creo. Affiliate membership costs NOK 120 per month. Accident insurance and liability insurance are included in the affiliate membership.
As a member, you receive
- Guidance and assistance in the workplace
- Legal advice
- Legal assistance in employment matters
- Application and contract assistance
- Accident and liability insurance
- The best home contents insurance on the market
In addition, you gain access to Norway’s best instrument and equipment insurance, legal insurance from HELP, and travel insurance from Europeiske.
Help and assistance
The workplace can be unpredictable, and in the cultural industry, it’s beneficial to have support when you need help. As a member of Creo, you always have access to information, guidance, and assistance in your employment relationships.
We have experienced caseworkers and lawyers who assist you with matters concerning salary, working hours, holidays, leave rights, employment, termination, contracts, and intellectual property rights.
What does it cost?
The membership fee is determined based on your gross annual income from work or activities within Creo’s professional organizational scope.
Medlemskap |
+ Innboforsikring |
+ Ansvarsforsikring |
+ Ulykkesforsikring |
+ Grunnforsikring |
+ OU-midler |
... |
The membership fee in Creo is set at 1.70 percent of your gross income (your income before taxes and deductions). You can easily estimate your monthly cost using the calculator.
Do you have questions about membership? Contact us!
Switchboard: +47 23 10 22 10
Regular phone hours are 10:00–11:30 and 12:00–14:00.